Grupo Folklorico
"Los Jateros"

The Folkloric Group LOS JATEROS is one of the anciest Extremaduran folkloric group, being early in its 50 years old. In all this time, we have experienced moments where all our members have participated.

Our organization is composed by more tan 40 dancers and more tan 20 musicians, taking different performances and works, including the most famous "jotas (typical folkloric Spanish dance)" from Badajoz y Cáceres (regions of Extremadura, our Autonomous Region). We also have an abundant and varied mix of costumes, to captivate the audience.

We are one of the founding member of the Folklore Extremaduran Federation; we belong to other national folkloric asociations, such as the National Folklore Confederation (CONFEE), and the International Folklore Festivals Organizers (FESTIFOLK).

Los Jateros group feel something else than foklkore and tradition: to dance, travel, exchanging experiences and culture are our main ideas. We took our origins and traditions from Extremadura and Fregenal de la Sierra all over the world.

We hope this activity never stops, inheriting it from our ancestors and to our progeny, to do what any member of Los Jateros do with the same illusion we did, and it is being done in this moment.

Our aknowladgment to people who rely in us and to all Los Jateros members for doing all that a real and posible dream.


Grupo Folklorico "Los Jateros"